Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas 1939

Thursday, December 25, 2008
The Audacity of Hope

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Baby Jebus is Coming
Just 2 more shopping days left to save the economy. Remember, it's all on us, don't drop the ball America!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
25...25 ago

See, I’ve been there so I know everyone one has to find their own way but the ones who look to others with experience can follow a beaten path.
I just made that up…I’m like fricken Nietzsche or Gandhi or at the very least Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. Ah, the memories or the lack of memories, either way I’m sure I had a good time…didn’t I?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My Fifteen Minutes Were Up Yesterday

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It's The most Wonderful Time Of The Year
In an exclusive interview with utterpants, Mattel president Matthew Bousquette, reveals his mission to turn all little girls into talentless sluts with unusually large breasts

"Long legs, big tits, no brain, too much makeup and mute." That's how Barbie inventor Ruth Handler described the ideal American woman in 1959. "Our goal is to instill traditional American values in young girls." Anticipating the feminist movement by a decade, Handler went on to say, "American woman are becoming educated. It's all Hitler's fault. If it weren't for him, women would never have had to work. Look at me. I should be home baking cookies, but I'm running this company and taking a job away from a man who has a wife and children to support. Granted, I only earn twenty percent of what Elliot (Handler's husband and Mattel co-owner at the time) earns, but still. We have to do something or, my God, these girls will grow up to think they're equal to men. The Nazis made women work and we don't want to see a group of, what would you call them, um, Feminazis, that's it; we don’t want Feminazis to force women to work in the future. Women should be objects. That’s what we’re trying to teach."
Read the rest of the interview here http://www.utterpants.co.uk/news/ents/barbieslut.html
Friday, November 28, 2008
Buy Nothing Day
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Getting the Bad with the Good
Feels like: 31°F
Most days I get up, do my morning thing and head out to work knowing it’s good to be me because I get paid to play. But it took quitting my craft and working in a bike shop for a year and a half to realize how much fun it is working on people’s houses and the occasional commercial project. Today however was not one of those days; outside in the cold and wind and later snow flurries on a 30 foot ladder patching siding. Normally I’d turn down a job like this but with things the way they are I’ll do most anything that comes along within reason. But that doesn’t mean I won’t complain to myself all day long. The real problem is that I have to do jobs in order, like last week would have been great to be outside. Warm fall clear days, leaves still full of color, the paint would have dried in an hour. I can’t do that though when I’ve got a client that needs me at his bathroom renovation to push the electrical sub and then get it ready for the tile guy’s. I’m an fricking hero…a sore ageing fricking hero. Advil and a glass of red wine and I’ll be fine. Next week already looks better.
Friday, November 14, 2008
But the death of thousands of Iraqi children is cool with this guy
The Rev. Jay Scott Newman said in a letter distributed Sunday to parishioners at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville that they are putting their souls at risk if they take Holy Communion before doing penance for their vote.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Virginia’s Blue State Status Revoked

On Friday the Democratic National Convention revoked Virginia’s “Blue State” ranking after it was learned that the majority of voters only voted for President Elect, Barack Obama’s white half. A DCN spokesperson said that “although the Electoral Collage will still recognize Virginia’s 13 electoral votes for Obama it will have to list Virginia as Purple indefinitely.” This is a shock to many voters that had celebrated what they thought was a clear sign that Virginia was on it’s way to finally separating itself from West Virginia, Virginia’s deeply red/neck sister state to the north. Also, the DNC is looking into possible “half voting” by North Carolina, “we should know something by the end of next week on the status of NC,” said the DNC spokesperson.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hail Mary Pass

Now that the political chips have fallen and Barack Obama is President Elect and already at work assembling his teams the Republican consultants for John McCain are throwing Sarah Palin under the bus. It was said that as the short list for McCain’s running mate got shorter and weaker something needed to be done to give his run for office a lift and Palin was their answer. As she was brought out and introduced to the world as the possible next VP and a heart beat away from being the most powerful person on the face of the planet I knew this was the last nail in the coffin of the Republican Campaign. I’m no expert but I know a losing team when I see one and an old man with a beauty queen as a running mate will not win an election for the highest office in the land. So now the back peddling begins with laying the blame at the feet of Palin when again I know who’s at fault. John and his campaign organizers are solely responsible for the embarrassment brought upon his run for office and Palin played the game as best she could, followed their lead, jumping through the hoops they held before her and although completely unqualified, held up like a champ. Now it’s time for her to go back to Alaska and finish her term as Governor then fad into obscurity but I have the feeling that we’ll be seeing a lot of her in the future, hopefully not in politics but in the role she is destine to play, an anchor for Fox cable news… right next to Karl Rove.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Wait to Vote
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Party in DC
Friday, October 31, 2008
But Will The President Sign It?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
One More Dig Before You Leave

'A moment I've been dreading. George brought his n'er-do-well son around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the political one who lives in Florida; the one who hangs around here all the time looking shiftless. This so-called kid is already almost 40 and has never had a real job. Maybe I'll call Kinsley over at The New Republic and see if they'll hire him as a contributing editor or something. That looks like easy work.'
From the REAGAN DIARIES------entry dated May 17, 1986.
It’s an intertube rumor but I’ll just bet the old man was thinking what a loser his VP’s son was.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
3 months till 50

This is big; half my life will be down the drain but the best is yet to come so beat the rush and find my birthday present early. But what does one get a man that has everything? Well first start with Penicillin but then think about sending me something that reminds me of you…no undergarments please.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Jackleg the Plumber

No license, not a journeyman card or even an apprentice certificate as required by the local government where he works for a plumbing contractor but this guy knows all about how “his “ business will be affected by Obama’s health care plan. Well here’s how it goes dip wad, you'd be able to go to the doctor and wouldn't have to pretend you were injured on the job instead of say, possibly getting too drunk at home and falling down the steps, cracking open your oversized head then fraudulently making a claim on your bosses workman’s comp insurance. See, I’ve met a hundred guy’s like you on the job, running your fricken mouth all day long regurgitating what you heard on Rush the day before. But you see Joe, I run the job and you’re… FIRED!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
From Third World to Your World
I need to ask you to support an urgent secret business relationship with a transfer of funds of great magnitude.
I am Ministry of Treasury of the Republic of America. My country has had a crisis that has caused the need for a large transfer of funds of 700 billion dollars US. If you would assist me in this transfer, it would be most profitable to you.
I am working with renowned Mr. Phil Gram, lobbyist for UBS, who will be my replacement as Ministry of Treasury in January. As a Senator, you may know him as the leader of the American banking deregulation movement in the 1990s. This transaction is 100% safe.
This is a matter of great urgency. We need a blank check. We need the funds as quickly as possible. We cannot directly transfer these funds in the names of our close friends because we are constantly under surveillance. My family lawyer advised me that I should look for reliable and trustworthy person who will act as a next of kin so the funds can be transferred.
Please reply with all of your bank account, IRA and college fund account numbers and those of your children and grandchildren to wallstreetbailout@treasury.gov so that we transfer your commission for this transaction. After I receive you're information, I will respond with detailed information about safeguards that will be used to protect the funds.
Wonderful salutations to you cherish friend from Republic of America.
Yours Faithfully Minister of Treasury Paulson
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bailout Bill Cockblocker

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday in DC
First up I got the bike dialed in and the backpack full of tasty treats and found my bearings then headed to “the mall” where I started to look for the ING Direct Washington Crit Race. I was told that it was to be held on a course around the Capitol building but as I rode it became clear to me that it was someplace else, so as I was looking around and planning my next move I conveniently rolled up on a DC cop sitting in his cruiser and ask if he’d heard anything about where it might be. He was nice enough to call into dispatch and informed me that it was next Sunday at 8am. I took this as being true since I didn’t look on line to be sure about the race, time or location and caulked it up as miss information given to me by a guy who was in the race. Should have bet on the racer because after excepting the cops answer and riding around to see the sites then stopping off at the White House to once again tell George W. Bush to go fuck himself I found the race as I was heading back to the car with 15 laps to go, which is the best part of the race anyway. But before I found the race I was able to take in all that DC has to offer.
I love riding around the memorials and monuments seeing all the different people and hearing languages from all over this small world. They have come to this city to see where democracy began and where a government peaceably changes hands when the people of this country so decide. I hope we get it right this time. Also citizens of this city come out to play among the statues and grand buildings, everything from football to foutbal, softball to kickball, running, riding and ultimate Frisbee. I sat and had my lunch while watching a competitive game of Ultimate and during their water break was asked if I’d like to join in, “thanks but it’s been 12 years since I’ve played and although I still have skills I just know I’ll blow out a knee.” They knew just the scenario as we’ve all seen it happen to someone while “cutting for the disc.”

One place I like to ride to is the park at the end of the Regan National Airport runway where, depending on the wind, planes are either taking off or landing. Great thing about this airport is that air traffic controllers refuse to include the name Regan when calling in air traffic; it’s referred to only as “National.” (that was a Cliff Claven moment)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Bad Ellsworth!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dog Town World Championships
Monday, September 1, 2008
Race Report Part 2

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Race Report

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Slim chance

But for now Napa and the “Worlds” are calling and I’ve answered; I have to admit I’ve thought about that SSWC08’ winners tattoo and where I'd put it. I’m not big on collecting body art and Julie might not like it so I figured the safe place for it would be on my dick. That way it won’t be very big and Julie will never see it.
One things for sure though, I’ll be running into some of the folks that I’ve followed on this here intertube over the past few years and I’m a little nervous about seeing these people I conceder friends that I’ve only written to or have written to me. Julie said maybe it’s like meeting my favorite celebrities, but really, more like playing with my favorite cartoon characters.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Cross Section

“Bike Shed,” Richmond’s bike shop, for the cyclist “in the know” and by in the know I mean knows where my house is, would like to announce the sponsorship of “B” Cross Racing phenom PeaHen. Just back from a successful summer of road racing and a mediocre summer of love in Seattle Washington, PeaHen picked up his team bike and posed for some publicity photos. When asked to comment about the upcoming cross season and his chances on winning the Virginia Series, PeaHen replied; “I leave nothing to chance.” We at “Bike Shed” look forward to cheering him on at maybe one of these races…unless it’s too cold or too early in the morning.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Race Report

The second race in the Cranky Monkey Series was held at Fountain Head Regional Park today. I raced the first in the series of three at Wakefield Park a couple weeks ago but it was basically flat and not technical so writing a report doesn’t rate for much so I’ll just say I took 5th in the old man category, but Fountain Head is a different story. Rutty, Rocky and Rooty with short steep technical climbs and cute names for them like “Lung Buster” and “Heart Popper” or something like that. Then the downhill’s are loaded with drop-offs, more rocks and roots. All in all it was a battle royal what with the tight twisty single track, trees, sharp objects, soft sandy soil, and slower riders up ahead. Me, being a nice guy made it tough to stay with the lead guy’s in my group but I was able to get by most traffic on the technical climbs since I don’t mind blazing a trail to get around dabbing riders. Actually it’s a great ego boost to out ride the youngsters with my age written on my leg while offering them words of encouragement. After the first 9 mile lap and successfully descending “Shock-a-Billy Hill,” or something like that, I started my charge to try and reach the lead guys in my group and as I began to pick off riders I noticed none of them were in my category until about 2 miles to the finish when I made contact with one of my people. I sat on his wheel hoping to find his weakness until he asked me what group I was in and being a nice guy I answered “yours” at which time he sprinted away and showed me my weakness, nice guys’ finish 5th.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Text Message Of The Week
Professor X reply: And the wood u take out of there in yr pants is free
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Lesson learned

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Revolution for Iraqi?
As poignant today as when I was a child. As a 10 year old I’d watch the news with my father and saw the images of Viet Nam and the disgust on dads face. He knew all to0 well the horrors of war and that this “police action” was just politicians egos getting Americans killed. Washington was more concerned about saving face than saving lives. Now we’re once again allowing history to repeat it’s self and are bogged down in a country that was a threat to the Middle East region but one we had contained. We could have sat on Saddam indefinitely and supported an over throw from afar with less Iraqi deaths (in the millions since the war as apposed to 600,000 at the hands of Saddam over decades) and concentrated on defeating al-Qaida along with Christian fundamentalists as far as I’m concerned.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Yellow Jersey Century July 6th 2008

I figure I’d give it some time, see if it’s just a hunk of lint or a piece of sand. But after about a month of “examinations” it starts to mess with my mind so I make an appointment with the doctor. A couple of weeks later I’m standing in front of the guy with my pants to my ankles and explaining, “ it’s right there doc,” but he can’t feel it so I have to take his finger and place it on the lump. Once I do that he says, “oh yeah, it’s something alright.” But he wants to get an opinion of one of his partners that apparently is an expert in the diagnosis of “something.” So he tells me to wait right there, like I’m going to follow him down the hall with my pants down walking like I’m on the chain gang doing road work with ankle irons. Well Doc # 2 comes in and introduces himself and we shake hands, if you never had a formal introduction to someone with your pants down then let me tell you, avoid it at all costs, especially if they have one of those real aggressive handshakes cause he’s all happy to meet you and shaking your hand but that not all that’s shaking…it's messed up I tell you. So now I have to go through the whole explanation with this guy and the finger placement thing and he say’s, “defiantly something.” Then these two Einsteins have a little conference right in front of me like I’m not even there and I have to say, “um, fellas, are we done here, cause I’d like to pull up if you know what I mean?”
On to the Urologist.
These guys don’t know what to do other than to refer me to an Urologist and that’s cool, I understand a specialist is needed for such a delicate area of medicine. Now I’m off to the next doctor and somehow I get in between appointment at the hospital down the road. I meet doc # 3 and do the same song and dance with this guy what with the finger placement and all and he says…”it’s something.” Alright, I’ve just had 3 dudes handle my junk all within a 2 hour period and the answer has been the same. I swear these guys all went to the same med school and were in the same fraternity cause the line from each of them was the identical. Fortunately though, doc # 3 had a bit more to offer in the way of scheduling an Ultrasound down stairs from his office right then. Not in the history of medicine has it happened where a patient was able to see 4 medical professionals in such a short period of time. Look it up on Wikapedia if you don’t believe me.
It’s down to Ultrasound.
I show up like 2 minutes later and an orderly is waiting…what is this place, the Ritz Carlton? He escorts me to a changing room where I remove my pants, once again, and put on the dreaded gown. Then he helps me on the gurney and wheels me into the “ultra booth” where he then places the boys 1, 2 and ‘richard, up on a towel for easy access then turns on the TV for the 4 of us to watch as we all wait the arrival of the “technician.”
A few minutes later the orderly stops by to tell me that she will be right there. Wait a minute…did he just say she? Fuuuuck….god I hope she’s like a million years old.
Nope! In walks the porn star in a nurse outfit of my dreams only this is a nightmare. This is pay back isn’t it, all those self exams in the shower, right? So now I have to muster up all my powers of concentration by thinking of dead puppies, cold pools and biting off little bits of my tongue all in an attempt to appear as though this is no big deal and I refuse to even let the thought of an erection enter my mind…until the KY jelly enters the picture. I’m screwed, I know it, as soon as that ultrasound wand full of that lube makes contact these towels will not be enough to hold back what will be a trebuchet of an erection. I can only hope no one loses an eye.
Well it seems little miss porn star nurse, ultrasound tech has a trick up her sleaze um sleeve…ice cold KY…there is a merciful god, once the wand hit it’s mark the boys went into retreat and the day was saved and nobody got hurt.
Now what?
Well a couple days later surgery, then the biopsy and then 12 weeks, twice a week of radiation therapy and I’m cured.
Moral of the story.
Early detection is key to surviving the Big C so whip it out and perform your own “medical procedure,” it might just save your life.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Things that go bump in the night
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
spiritual restoration program

It looks as though Ex Preacher Ted Haggard is all restored now that he's not gay any more. I'm wondering if he'll have anal restoration next? Just needs to tidy up the old poop shoot before heading back to the pulpit to preach about the abomination of same sex marriage. Maybe while he’s at it he can have his head removed from his ass also. Hypocrite!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Richmond Pro Cycling hits the Big Time!

Saturday, June 14, 2008
The 2008 Urban Insult…”Is that your moms bike your racing?”

But what ever it’s called it hurts so good.... and bad.
Friday, June 13, 2008
very funny kid-swimming pool falling (hilarious)
This brings back an embarrassing memory. It was the summer of 1967, the family went to a public pool and I’d learned how to swim the summer before and was braving all the diving boards but couldn’t get up the courage to go down the 2 story giant slide that was in the middle of the pool. Plus there was a long line and I didn’t want to stand there just to chicken out once it was my turn. So I waited and finally no one was there, I could just wade to the giant metal sliding board and go right up. I climbed the ladder and reached the platform and sat in position and decided to go. As I began my trip toward the cool blue water waiting below I quickly got a lesson in sliding board mechanics. The reason there was no line was because the water that pours down the metal to make it slippery had been turned off for some reason, bringing me to a screeching halt half way down the hotplate like surface causing me to eject myself from 10 feet in the air like a fighter pilot from a burning jet hitting the water with a belly flop. The pain that has stayed with me all the years however is not the memory of the burning sensation on both my ass and stomach but the humiliation of the laughter. The lesson I learned that day was how to suck up pain and not run crying to my mom
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I've experienced nothing close to that but I know just the type of assholes…The dam was finished 2 years ahead of time and that just meant the contractors made that much more money and the engineer got a big old pat on the back from the President and the workers got sent on their way. Yep, that kinda pisses me off.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
106 degrees never felt so good

Friday, May 16, 2008
Vegas Baby
Monday, May 12, 2008
Monday to Monday
Fortunately Monday is a rest day and training days last week fell in between rain days so hopefully I’ll have the legs for Saturdays Ride to Provide challenge century and, as Bike Snob NYC coined, noncompetitive competitive cycling event. Getting dropped on one of these rides is like failing to win your girlfriend that stuffed unicorn at the carnival ring toss or not chugging a Miller Pony in one go. It doesn’t really mater but everyone remembers. So I’ll sit this Monday out, look toward Tuesday as the start of my week and double time it to the weekend.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's Evilution
Friday, April 25, 2008
Willies Birthday

I had been driving TT’s for a couple years for the furniture factory, installing pews and delivering pulpit, chairs, tables and the like all over the country. As we approached the roped off parking area for Willies caravan I spotted the driver of the big rig Bob Tailing it into the parking area. That means he was in the Tractor with no Trailer, the trailer was parked and he was coming in from where ever he’d been hanging out while the show was going on. The roadies were loading out the set into the trailer and this guy was getting ready to back in to hook the tractor to the trailer. I noticed that there was no one to move the rope that was there to keep people, like us, from getting to close so I jumped into action and pulled it aside and guided the driver as he backed in to hook up the 5th wheel to the trailer peg and before he could get out of the rig I had his air lines hooked up and was rolling up the trailer jacks. He checked my work and asked who I was and I said, “I’m a driver and know how much road you have ahead of you so I thought I’d lend a hand and I’m fan of Willies and came back here to try and catch a glimpse. He took all four of us onto the bus and introduced us to Willie and his entourage.
After, we went bar hopping and soon the girls dumped us for some musicians but not until they bragged on how we got them into meet Willie.