First off: Hanna had to resort to the duct tape to maintain the structural integrity of her coffee mug.

note the rubber gloves, the homeowner was charged accordantly.

Interests and opinions, family and friends, travels and adventures, plus bikes
Then on to London for a few days. We’ll be heading there soon for a summer visit or maybe spend New Years in Piccadilly.
After London it was on to Warsaw where she got to see some examples of Soviet architecture. WWII and communism really did a number on this place. Between the Nazis fighting their way in and the Russians beating them back the place was turned to rubble.
An otherwise handsome man I’m sure, not many people can pull off the parka/stocking cap combo and make it look good but Peter gives it his best shot.
My friend; to insure his anonymity lets call him Robert and I were talking music tonight after poaching some mountain biking trails after dark and he told me to check out these girls which I obviously did and I’d like to offer up a review. These girls are not very good. I’m sure their parents are very proud and all the boys at their school really like them and all the girls at their school are really jealous of them but to put them on the TV or sign them to tour with Pearl Jam is an “awe aren’t they cute” kind of thing that should be saved for the school auditorium or a talent show at the mall. I have always respected my friends, I’ll call him Rob, taste in music but I’m concerned that since he’s turned 40 in an attempt to stay edgy and up on youthful culture he’s over compensated and instead of hitting the under 25 hipster mark has landed in a pubescent pool of perky. So my advice to my friend, let’s just call him Professor X, is to recalibrate his music sensors for musicians born before 1988 for the next 5 years then check in on the Smoosh girls. Maybe then he can say I told you so, but I doubt it.