Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Grow Jebus

I love Christmas morning. Julie and I have a great tradition of getting up and hanging out together for a few hours before the crawl thru the family tree. We like to get each other stocking stuffers, just small inexpensive things that are fun and useful along with a gag gift or two. She’s a pro at the gag gift giving. The best thing about or marriage is the time we just sit together making fun of the life around us. This year she once again brought the laughter with “Grow Jesus.” It’s the toy that keeps on growing which is a good description of Christianity itself. The instruction for use parallels the religions history; “the larger the container the better it will grow, as it grows it may distort in shape,” and my favorite, the slimy, icky, texture is normal and harmless.” Well I’m not convinced about the “harmless” statement and plan on leaving this toy in its package.

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