Sunday, January 10, 2010

DJ Williams Projekt at The National After Party

Got in upstairs to the party and not knowing anyone it was a bit awkward what with there not being any booze or a kraft services table. typical scene with mostly friends of the band, hangers on (me) a few girls and several beautiful women. It quickly became boring and I started shooting pool on the empty table. Just randomly spread the balls around and after a few misses I dropped 6 balls and was actually on my way to running the table. I don't shoot pool...ever, but for some reason I was hot. I was lining up for the next ball each time and working it like a pro. As I was about to drop the seventh ball a beautiful British woman of African descent approached wanting to cut in and "have a go."
Alright...1) No alcohol so my powers of charm against her were weakened and 2) I was about to run the table and she totally iced me. At first I thought she was trying to hustle me because she saw me drop 6 balls in a row. I even asked her if she was going to pull a Paul Newman on me but it became obvious quickly that she had know idea what I was talking about. Then when I said she had just 'iced' me she looked at me like when you whistle at a puppy and they turn their head from side to side. So I said "like during a football game and the other team calls a time out just as the kicker is trying for a field goal." As soon as it came out of my mouth I knew that was lost in translation so I said "how about I keep shooting until I miss then it's your turn" and bet her a dollar I'd make the next shot. She agreed, I missed and it got ugly from there.
She was not really interested in shooting pool and I don't know if I was being hit on but I painfully missed shot after shot finally scratching on the last ball. She asked me mine and told me her name but I will only remember her as the girl that shut down my 12 ball run and had the nerve to collect the dollar.

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