Saturday, December 25, 2010
Bike Shed Picking Up The Pace
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Vail Colorado Is Not Safe
Erzinger gets plea deal in Edwards hit-and-run
Unless of course you have a fancy schmancy job watching after very rich peoples money.
How is it that your job comes into play when "Blind Justice" is being weighed.
The scale tilts in the favor for those of wealth and influence once again with increasing frequency.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
8 Months To Happy, Years Still To Heal
Saturday, September 11, 2010
San Diego Let Down or Where Nothing is Real
The airport (in the center of town) and the US Navy occupy all the best real estate and the rest is a web of interstate, freeways and cars. 3 million people driving everywhere they go, no mass transit to speak of really and if you want to ride a bike you're more than likely to get RTFO'ed
(Run The Fuck Over.)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
New Wheel, A Little Shipping Damage, Easy Fix
Perfection is an opinion, an unattainable human obsession. I put so much into trying to reach a level of perfect in my work and in my bike builds. But I think of a story about Islamic rug weavers that intentionally weave a patch of dissimilar pattern into an other wise perfect rug in the belief that man is not to reach perfection.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Nothing To See Here
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Flying A Different Flag For The 4th "O" July
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
You Don't Win A War By Dieing For Your Country, You Win It By Making The Other Son Of A Bitch Die For His Country
Friday, April 30, 2010
Spill Baby Spill
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Enough With The Assholes Already

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Beans on Toast, should have been better but sucked it on stage at the Prague bar on 4th and Colonial. Mostly the stage/bar setup but the performance was VERY lower case and only about 4 songs with the big finish, an embarising Anglo Saxon rap. White girls cannot beat box...sad.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Well This One Got Away From Me
I still think the ad was funny as hell but damn if it didn't piss off the builder. Who would of thought Bike Snob could have caught so much shit for my idiocy? I figured I'd get a few laughs and give some exposure to the stolen bike and that would be it. I tried to make the ad obviously fake without losing comic caricature but quite a few people just didn't get it.
I'm not sorry about the attempt but do wish Antbikemike would have seen the humor in it but the way events unfolded I can see how he had missed the point.
Friday, February 26, 2010

Holi, the yearly festival celebrating the return of color to the world, will start on Sunday Feb 28, 2010 and continue for 2 days until Monday March 1st. Holi is celebrated on the Phalgun Purnima (or Pooranmashi, Full Moon) according to the Hindu Calendar. Holi is a festival of radiance (teja) in the universe. The celebrations officially usher in spring, the celebrated season of love.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Not Lint

This, at this time, seems right. Lent starts at midnight Wednesday so tomorrow I'm heading over to my buddy's house. We've know each other for over 15 years, we talked tonight and he invited me...almost challenged me, to have a few drinks then hang it up for 40 days. Yep, that's perfect timing, something to help me focus even more.
But until 12am Wednesday...I'm going to show my tits then after I'm going for the Catholic booze, red meat or sodomy until some time in April. Two of the three should be no problem.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
'79-The Missing Link Between Hippie and Punk Rocker

This publication was later used at my trial where I was convicted of assault and battery after I and my accomplice Terry Baker pied a fascist high school vice principal.
I was tried as an adult because...well, I was 20. But my record was wiped clean after I pulled a weekend in a Virginia county lockup where I started a hunger strike protesting sour apples used in the pie Aunt Bee sent to my cell block. That old bitch was mean as hell and couldn't cook for shit and I wanted the world to know. But the revolt was squashed when the riot squad took away everyones library cards.
True story...mostly"
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
NYC don't make it, you take it!

Then out of no where, or England, came a new revolution of pissed off go fuck yourself mayhem music. It was basic, loud for no reason other than to just be loud and a battle ground where the war against mediocrity was being fought.
As with any fight worth fighting casualties were taken, friends and loved ones lost. Ground was gained given back and won again only to have succumbed to the temptations of commercial success another 20 year later.
Where will the new line in the sand be drawn?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
gutter punk drunk
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Good By January

The loss of my brother, sister in law and niece reduced my life to it's basic need. To find comfort in family and friends, to work through pain and sorrow, to rebuild who I am, find what is truly important and to never let time just pass.
The enlightenment I have found can only be described as an Energy Epiphany where I felt the strength of my Brother Jon and learned what to focus on.
The easiest way to explain this is to say that I did not find god but found the power that is in us all, a collective energy that connects every living thing. Don't worry though, I'm not running off to join a cult because this feeling is an individual awakening and can only be realized by looking deep within yourself and how you relate to this existence.
Something else I've come to realize is that there are cowards that live among us and will occasionally cross paths with the righteous and being the dregs of society that they are will not leave us out of their lives but instead include us in the misery they have created for themselves. The one that has crossed my family's path will now have to deal with the consequence of his actions. But our family is strong and our resolve to come out of this has made us stronger. We are a family with many friends that will help us deal with this psychopath. He has taken something dear from us and I am prepared to take everything away from him. It will not be swift but it will be total.
Now life is slowly returning to what it should be and will once again be filled with the happiness I get from it. Soon Spring will warm the earth and the rebirth of my soul will be complete, Life truly springs eternal.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
my sister in-law's words tell our story
hearts filled with grief
a family stands
no mater comes what man
evil has shown its ugly face
for no matter the wicked how hard they hit
with love we can conquer it
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
DJ Williams Projekt at The National After Party

Got in upstairs to the party and not knowing anyone it was a bit awkward what with there not being any booze or a kraft services table. typical scene with mostly friends of the band, hangers on (me) a few girls and several beautiful women. It quickly became boring and I started shooting pool on the empty table. Just randomly spread the balls around and after a few misses I dropped 6 balls and was actually on my way to running the table. I don't shoot pool...ever, but for some reason I was hot. I was lining up for the next ball each time and working it like a pro. As I was about to drop the seventh ball a beautiful British woman of African descent approached wanting to cut in and "have a go."
Alright...1) No alcohol so my powers of charm against her were weakened and 2) I was about to run the table and she totally iced me. At first I thought she was trying to hustle me because she saw me drop 6 balls in a row. I even asked her if she was going to pull a Paul Newman on me but it became obvious quickly that she had know idea what I was talking about. Then when I said she had just 'iced' me she looked at me like when you whistle at a puppy and they turn their head from side to side. So I said "like during a football game and the other team calls a time out just as the kicker is trying for a field goal." As soon as it came out of my mouth I knew that was lost in translation so I said "how about I keep shooting until I miss then it's your turn" and bet her a dollar I'd make the next shot. She agreed, I missed and it got ugly from there.
She was not really interested in shooting pool and I don't know if I was being hit on but I painfully missed shot after shot finally scratching on the last ball. She asked me mine and told me her name but I will only remember her as the girl that shut down my 12 ball run and had the nerve to collect the dollar.