Spring sprang with temps in the 70’s right after winter dusted us off here in the southland. Then the time changed (which is my favorite time of the year) and I’ve been up at what used to be 5am a few days ago.
But the time deference isn’t making me motivated to bound out of bed, it’s the projects I’ve got going that’s capturing my interest and one project more that the others.
Julie and I have been spending some quality time together, sharing our common bond in creativity and redesigning a less used space in our home. The living room of our house has been used mostly as a big entrance hall that displays much of our art but doesn’t serve well to entertain in due to its layout and lack of social seating, Julie fixed that with a new floor plan and some furniture purchases.
My job in this, along with aesthetic input and limited (emphasis on limited) veto power is to install the sculpture wall to accent one of our most love paintings by friend Andres Bality.
The design is from Modular Arts and is an architectural wall element that is repeating pattern panels which once installed create a seamless wall sculpture. But to install the wall I’ve got to build a wall, the sculpture weighs 460lbs and needs to have a flat stable surface for the install.

Julies display of happiness.